Getting to know us.
We Are A Strong Team

Our story
Once upon a time, in a world rife with conflict and displacement, a group of refugees found themselves fleeing their homes in search of safety and refuge. Among them were individuals from diverse backgrounds, each with their own story of resilience, courage, and hope in the face of adversity.
As we journeyed across borders and landscapes, we encountered numerous challenges – from perilous journeys to uncertain futures, hunger, unemployment, hardship in overcrowded Nalivale Refugee Camp. Despite our hardships, we held onto the belief that we deserved a chance at a better life, free from violence and persecution.
In 2020 during the pandemic Gloire Mudekuza a refugee from Democratic Republic of Congo started making a survey in different zones in Nakivale refugee settlement and found a huge need of basic human right among refugees including shortage of food, because of infertile soil, luck of marketable skills, luck of economic opportunities, luck of quality education and posttraumatic stress disorder.
Youth unemployment stands at between 64% and 70%. About 30% of the youths who are institutionally qualified in Uganda cannot find jobs, and the situation is even worse for refugee youths.
The lack of basic, affordable, inclusive and high-quality education, and decent employment and luck of marketable skills ultimately lead to young refugee being disconnected from economic opportunities; leading to poverty, high incidences of drug abuse and gambling, while many girls are also suggested to early, forced marriage and sex work to respond to their financial challenges
In February 2021, Gloire gathered a group of Refugee youth United by their common experiences and shared aspirations, He inspired them and they decided to take action by creating PLETHORA SOCIAL INITIATIVE to address the above challenges within refugee and host community , In the midst of struggles they came together to form a community of support and solidarity. They shared their stories, their dreams, and their determination to rebuild their lives and create a brighter future for themselves and the community at large full of hope, aspiration and resilience amidst the chaos of displacement. With limited resources but boundless determination, they set out to empower their fellow refugees and advocate for their rights and well-being to thrive as a community.
Through community-driven initiatives, entrepreneurship and partnerships with like-minded organizations, plethora has become a powerful voice for refugees, amplifying their voices on local, national, and international platforms. We provide essential supports and services to refugees, including entrepreneurship, regenerative agriculture, and skills building workshops, vocational trainings and livelihood opportunities.
Over time, Plethora grew in strength and influence, inspiring other refugees to join their cause and mobilizing support. Together, they are working tirelessly to change the narrative, break down barriers, and create inclusive societies where refugees are valued , respected and find a home away from home.
Despite the ongoing challenges they faced, Plethora remains steadfast in their commitment to building a better world for refugees – one where every individual has the opportunity to rebuild their lives with dignity, resilience, and hope.
And so, Plethora social initiative ‘story continues, fueled by the unwavering determination and resilience of refugees who refuse to be defined by their past, but instead, strive to shape their own bright future filled with possibility, potential, and aspiration.
- Developing the inner capacities of Refugees and host community to express their unique potentials and being necessary for holistically thriving community.
- Equip the community with the skills and tools they need to foster positive change and sustain their livelihood.
- To empower underprivileged both youth and women to support them take their own development both socially and economically to improve their creativity and access to information that can help a positive transformation.
- Support local farmers with regenerative agriculture to enhance food production and open a new green revenue stream for Refugees.